The highly hyped Google Glass has not yet been released to the
masses, yet there is nothing more talked about or anticipated eagerly by
fans of the wearable technology field. The high anticipation reached
gratuitous levels when the Google Glass team released the Linux Kernel source code that was applied and utilized in the Android based device. Available on the website,, the code is available for developers and other users who had access to the first batch of the Google Glass prototype.
Although the Linux Kernel code has been
released on Google’s own servers, it is believed that it will soon be
moved and housed on a git server. Google itself can be quoted on this
matter, stating that
“This is unlikely to be the permanent home for
the kernel source, it should be pushed into git next to all other
Android kernel source releases relatively soon.”
However, there are a few things to be noted and paid attention to in
this scenario. One main overlooked feature is that the release of the
Linux Kernel source code in no way indicates that all of the source code
utilized or linked with Google Glass has been made available. Android
code is usually broken down into two parts and each part is released
slowly. Nonetheless, this ensures that no variations or new glasses can
be made available in the market based on the Linux Kernel source code
In the meantime, although the Linux Kernel has been released, it
remains uncertain whether Google will be releasing the remaining section
of the code or not although many developers think it is possible for
the second half of the code to be released soon. Google also indulged
and delighted many developers by allowing them to tinker with Google
through rooting or hacking into it and manipulating the device to test
what it’s capable of.
However, this did lead to confusion in the tabloids owing to the fact
that many developers claimed that it was fairly easy to root into Google Glass
which led to many people speculating and questioning the security
measures applied on the device. Google was quick to quench all rumors by
claiming that they had deliberately left the device root-able for
This fact is lent more credibility when one realizes that Google also
took the time to make a “fast-boot OEM unlock” available for anyone
interested in rooting the device. While the issue still remains highly
debatable over who actually rooted the device and who took a shortcut
with the help of the code provided, it is clearly undeniable that Google
Glass was deliberately left vulnerable for the sake of the developers.
Stephen Lau, an engineer of Google is quoted as saying,
“Not to
bring anybody down… but seriously… we intentionally left the device
unlocked so you guys could hack it and do crazy, fun shit with it. I
mean, FFS, you paid $1500 for it… go to town on it. Show me something
Either way, the response towards the release of the Linux Kernel
source code created much anticipation and excitement for the Google